
Israel to Arrange Arrival of Last Members of Ethiopian Jewish Community by 2014

researchok7/11/2012 11:59:19 am PDT

re: #113 Destro

Firts of all, what Syria is doing has zero to do with the thread. You are the one talkimg stuff out of topic. The thread is about Ethiopian Jews. I opointed out two things: That the Ethiopian Jews were based on DNA science natives to the Ethiopian region and thus not ‘returning home’ to Israel as if it is a lost tribe. I know that maybe hitting people where their theology is. Second point I made is that the Ethiopian Jews returning home then have the official policy of Israel tell them their version of Judaism is somehow not proper and that they have to go through theological indoctrinations/conversions once they get there.

That is a fine “homecoming” indeed.

Instead of dealing with these topics we wondered off into Iran and Syria.

Uh, more than one poster has repudiated your DNA ‘analysis’.

Not to mention your ‘analysis’ of the Ethiopian Jews in Israel.