
Sunday Open Thread, With New Twitter Username

Killgore Trout9/30/2012 5:44:22 pm PDT

re: #103 engineer cat

even after you subtract the tea party and other varieties of wingnut, i find myself wondering what is worthwhile about the policies of the republican party

Not much worthwhile these days. Unfortunately the “libertarian” thing comes with a certain amount of fundamentalism so they aren’t really in a position to be practical. It also doesn’t help that their party is out of power. You’ll notice that whichever party (yes, MBF) is out of power is free to go completely apeshit and disconnect from reality. They can complain about everything and take blame for nothing.
I know it seems unimaginable and outrageous but the Republicans will get their shit into one bag eventually. They do have a history of being a serious, nuts and bolts type political machine. They’ll come back eventually but I wouldn;t venture a guess as to what form they will take. It could be interesting if they choose a new constructive path. Either way they are going to have to reinvent themselves. They are at a dead end and the smart insiders know that.