
Heaven for Atheists? Better Read the Fine Print

Usually refered to as anyways5/26/2013 2:55:03 am PDT

re: #113 engineer cat

in about 80 BC or so, as the old story goes, a pagan king visited rabbi hillel and told him he would convert to judaism if hillel could explain it while standing on one foot

the rabbi stood on one foot and said:

“don’t do unto others what you wouldn’t have done unto yourself. that is the whole of the law and the prophets.

the rest is commentary”

good enough for me

Not unlike Christ’s ‘love one another’, if we loved one another we would not do what the Rabbi said.

Useless fact, Louis 14th stole the minuet from the peasants around 1653, something to do with his music master Beauchamp from memory…