
Rand Paul, Libertarian Extremist in Moderate's Clothing

Justanotherhuman5/09/2014 11:44:07 am PDT

re: #101 HappyWarrior

Yeah. He actually realized that tax increases are sometimes necessary. That’s something Ford realized too. What annoys me is people who think “fiscally conservative” oppose all taxes at all times. True fiscal conservatives know that tax increases on the wealthy are sometimes needed. True fiscal conservatives know you can’t just cut social spending and true ones don’t refuse to cut the defense budget. What the GOP has isn’t “fiscal conservatism”, I don’t know the exact phrasing for it but they’re not fiscally conservative at all.

How about, “I’ve got mine, fuck you”? That’s really the libertarian stance, which has nothing to do with being fiscally “conservative” and everything to do with hoarding the wealth yourself and screwing your employees on wages and benefits, along with denying govt benefits to see people over the rough patches that result from that, including UI, SNAP, Medicaid, etc.