
Incredible Live Performance: Snarky Puppy With Metropole Orkest, "Gretel"

Joe Bacon ✅2/24/2016 8:28:35 pm PST

Another day and it’s yet ANOTHER call from a GOP Pollster!

“If the California Primary is held today, who will you vote for?”

I just can’t help myself!

“There’s only one man who can make America Great Again and that’s Trump!”

“Are you aware that Trump refuses to disclose his tax returns?”

“Doesn’t matter to me”

“Do you agree that we need a President who will start his day on his knees in devout prayer?”

Ah, this must be a pollster for Cruz. ..

“No, I want a President who is a Winner. And right now Trump has won 3 in a row!”

“Do you believe that America is a Christian nation?”

“No, America needs to be a Winner again! GO TRUMP!”

And there were several more push poll questions about Trump’s wife’s nude pictures, Trump University going to court, Trump going bankrupt…

I then interrupted the pollster by telling him, “I guess you never dined on those incredible Trump Steaks! They were fabulous!

The pollster gave up…