
Trump Completely Reverses Abortion Statement in Less Than 3 Hours

allegro3/30/2016 4:20:44 pm PDT

re: #111 stpaulbear

Ho-lee-shit. I just got a call from my youngest sister asking if I’d seen the stuff our wingnut sister was posting. I’ve been avoiding Facebook so I hadn’t seen it. Apparently she posted something about NC’s anti-gay law and added that her family would probably hate her now but God would prove who’s right. Then she unfriended everyone in the family. She only has two friends now - both of which are uber right ‘christians’. Apparently I’m going to hell now for being gay. She’s got her site locked down so I can’t see her entries any more. My young sister is afraid of where this is going and I can tell you that I’m not going to pay her an unplanned visit - she’s also gotten onto the pro-gun wagon. and I wouldn’t trust her to not shoot me. This is too weird.

What cults do. Isolation from family and friends is essential. I’m sad for her and your family.