
Brad Mehldau Plays the Beatles' "Golden Slumbers"

Targetpractice2/17/2023 10:05:37 pm PST

re: #65 ckkatz

I have no argument with you.

We are indeed dealing with a dangerous mess created by the GOP and their friends, domestic and foreign. One that threatens the existence of the Constitution and The United States of America. And one that we are stuck cleaning up.

On the other hand, the Never Trumpers do vote and we desperately need those votes if we are going to defeat this monster.

Further, a lot of them have skills honed as GOP operatives and functionaries. And those skill can greatly help our cause.

I agree that it is a nasty bit of sausage making. But, at least for me, the stakes are far too high to write them off.

No, just no. It’s 2023, not 2017, we’ve had three successful election cycles where getting our own voters to the polls carried the day. The only thing we need is to wean ourselves off this idea that we’re a party in deep distress and we’re forced to beg for people to vote for us. Why? Because with very few exceptional people, most every time you scratch past the surface of a “Never Trumper,” you find a fascist who’s just put out that Trump keeps screaming the quiet part out loud. They’re not opposed to his beliefs or his ideas, they’re just embarrassed to be associated with him. And they show it whenever we try to appeal to them and get a long list of “compromises” that always amount to passing their ideas as our own under the label of “bipartisanship.”

If they truly are fed up with the party and its ideals, then we don’t need to appeal to them. If we’re appealing to them for their votes, then it’s not the party they have a problem with.