
Video: Trump Prison Fears Mount as Judge Says He'll Be Treated Like Any 'Criminal Defendant'

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/11/2023 11:08:38 pm PDT

In Nebraska, a judge is mulling whether it’s legal to send threats to publicly execute atheists and kidnap her children because one is a transgender boy (they accused her of paedophilia).

Judge mulling motion to dismiss lawmaker Megan Hunt’s defamation suit against Freedom Coalition

In Calvinball court antics, the courts here also decided that LB-574 (the combo hate trans people and ban abortion care) does not violate the state constitution’s rule against two subjects in a law because they are both healthcare.

Judge dismisses LB 574 lawsuit, says abortion and gender care are health care

Nevermind the whole conservative argument against both abortion and transgender care is they are not healthcare.

(Both articles Nebraska Examiner, August 11, 2023)