
Hope, Rainbows, and Muammar Gadafi

suitepotato1/22/2009 3:56:52 pm PST

I get the feeling that MG is genuinely and seriously interested in peace and believed truthfully in what he is saying. Problem is he’s naive, he’s wrong, he’s living in denial of reality, in favor of his emotional desires. Really, I remember the 80s but he’s changed a bit over the years. Nevertheless, he’s wrong.

Massive number of the so-called Palestinians at the time of Israel’s foundation were not actual long term multi-generational inhabitants but workers or the families of workers from all over Arab lands who came to work in the British Mandate AFTER the Ottoman Empire lost it. Before that, the records of the place being very sparsely populated and almost totally undeveloped are numerous. Had there been anything like a cohesive “Palestinian” people they would have had to be there several generations already and the vast majority weren’t.

A single state solution would be fine with me IF Islam were not currently dominated by Islamic Supremacism but instead pacifism AND if peace could be kept by an honest fair international force AND if the surrounding Muslim populations would agree to Israel’s right to exist AND they didn’t just send massive numbers of their people there just to overwhelm the Jews demographically AND the result was a free democratic republic with economic stability and trade with the world. That’s a lot of things and it won’t ever happen.