
Tea Partiers Beware: Stay Away From the Green and Yellow Lines

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/23/2010 11:34:25 am PDT

re: #102 BruceMajors

Well if you actually wrote that, we can talk about what sort of racist swine you are directly.

Let’s talk about this:

DC’s population includes refugees from every country,

So what?

as the families of embassy staffs of third world countries tend to stay in DC whenever a revolution in their homeland means that anyone in their family would be in danger if they went back.

The immigrant population of DC is hardly mostly comprised of embassy staff and their children.

While we are at it… the very large embassies (like England, France, Germany, Japan, etc…) each have more staff than the sum of many third world nations’ embassies together.

I suppose you are afraid of ninja supported British “double ohh” agents attacking you with exploding clairs or something.

Most taxi drivers and many waiters/waitresses (especially in local coffee shops like the Bread and Chocolate chain) are immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries.

And what is your beef with immigrants anyway? Unless you are 100% native American, you have no call to be snarky at anyone who came here.