
Overnight Open Thread

Targetpractice11/15/2011 3:13:57 am PST

re: #114 000G

I am not talking about admiration. I am not talking about ideals. I am just saying that the problem that OWS is to some people is not going to go away, because the problems that spawned OWS have not gone away, either. And with the social issues becoming worse, OWS or whatever else is coming next will become more than noise and less background.

I don’t ask that OWS just give up, I ask that OWS rethink strategy. It got people’s attention in the beginning and served as a sign of the public’s anger and impatience. Sit-ins and picket lines are as traditional in this country as apple pie. But running what amounts to little more than hobo camps in public parks raises questions of public safety and sanitation, which can sour opinions. Doesn’t matter if you hold up picket signs from your tent, you’re still squatting in places that people used to go for lunch breaks or to play with their kids.