
Sarah Palin: "Seeing as How Dick Never Misfires"

Dark_Falcon8/01/2012 8:29:07 pm PDT

re: #113 Mich-again

I think it is telling that he was refused membership at the gun range because they had reason to believe he was a dangerous nutjob. But those same people who refused him membership at their club would scream foul if the same standard they applied for their own safety applied to gun purchases in general.

Oh that crazy fucker can’t come in here with a loaded weapon but we defend his right to buy as many weapons and truckloads of ammo as long as he goes somewhere else to use them.

The thing is that they trust themselves to act without malice (we can each judge for ourselves how much we think they are right to think that) but they fear any laws to classify someone as a nut are liable to be abused at some point by malicious officials.