
Kansas Religious Fanatics Set to Enact Most Restrictive Anti-Abortion Law in US

moderatelyradicalliberal4/06/2013 3:51:25 pm PDT

re: #106 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I’ve noticed that pretty much everywhere I could reasonably afford to live is run by wingnuts, bigots, fundamentalists, and ignorant hicks. I have acquaintances whose life’s dream is to move to a small town out in the middle of nowhere. I grew up (to the extent that I’ve actually ‘grown up’) in small towns in the middle of nowhere, and take it from me: they suck.

I’m a city girl form Dallas, Texas and I have lived in other cities in the South before moving back home for grad school and take it from me, the blue island in a sea of red thing is getting so fucking old.

Saying we aren’t crazy in Dallas, Austin, Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham, Northern Virginia, etc. is a tired line at this point. Texas is crazy. Georgia is crazy. North Carolina is fucking crazy. Red states are run by crazies. It’s that simple and if it doesn’t change in the next decade. I am going to have to GTFO. I am not proud to live in a forced vaginal probe state.