
Teabonics Sign of the Day

m0nkeyb0y4/16/2010 8:28:56 am PDT

re: #67 LudwigVanQuixote

I think this is all too accurate and, therefore, a shame that education is such a convenient whipping boy on the Right.

I believe that democratization of public education at the beginning of the 20th century, followed by democratiziation of university education following WWII by the G.I. Bill is largely responsible for our rise to superppower status.

Human capital is our most valuable resource and own country’s strength has been built on developing it through education, and augmenting it by through immigration.

I saw a post in another thread yesterday (sorry I cannot quote) where someone pointed out that Tea Partiers noisily protest federal taxes which are currently at historic (30/60 year?) lows, while ignoring state and local taxes which have gone through he roof in the same time.

Similarly they loudly protest the state of public education at the national level while ignoring the local control excercised by school boards and state legislatures.

Their hearts are in the right place but their efforts are almost comically mis-guided. I attribute this to the cynical manipulation of their emotions and fears by Conservative Media (CM) and the Republican establishment. The CM can apparently survive and prosper with this strategy, but the Republicans have a tiger by the tail and may yet regret their every grabbed a hold.