
Reuters: Cropping of Photos Was 'Inadvertent'

Boogberg6/07/2010 8:38:10 pm PDT

re: #1130 Nimed

Huh? There’s so much wrong in this comment.

1- that’s an argument of authority. I don’t have to be the CEO of a bank to condemn underregulated destructive financial practices.

2- My job and marketable skills, like the rest of my life, are not your business. I’m quite happy with them, and I will disclose them in a comment section if and when I choose to.

3- The financial sector is not exactly labor intensive, you know?

4- I was condemning some of the practices of the modern financial system, not the existence of financial companies. This may come as a surprise to you, but people could borrow money before the 80s.

What do you mean with point number 3? Physical labor is the only real work?