
China's president calls for propaganda war on Internet

Lidane9/04/2013 9:28:30 am PDT

Ugh. Today is one of those weird days.

Lost a proposal at work a few days ago when the client was a classless douche and sent me a snail mail letter telling me of the rejection rather than a simple email. Today I’m answering to the COO about why we lost that proposal and about the survey results from the poll we send to clients when a project is lost. I can console myself knowing that they thought the pricing sucked, but they thought I was friendly and responsive to them. Still, I am irked by this.

Another client is begging for a rush translation into Turkish by tomorrow. This after the project manager I had working on his account left for a different job. Oy.

To top it off, I got news earlier that my grandmother died this morning. After my parents had their car accident she helped to raise me, so it’s sad to see her go. Still, she made it to 97 years old, and she was otherwise in decent health apart from her age. She had a long life. I’ll miss her, but it was nice while it lasted.