
Masterful Finger-Picking: Gareth Pearson - Cold Comfort (Solo Guitar)

goddamnedfrank10/05/2013 2:38:52 am PDT
Now that we’ve jumped off the cliff, lit ourselves on fire, we’ve entered the valley of death,” said Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who has criticized the conservatives’ strategy. “So now we’ve got to keep running and we have to hold together.”

This is Rapa Nui as the last forrest is being chopped down, just before the cannibalism. Sociological insanity. A people, who, realizing they’ve made a monumental mistake as a collective group, are as individuals utterly unwilling to take separate action even to save themselves. And the irony, these same people, who are paralyzed by their collective membership, all worship at the alter of their own individual egos. They praise individualism as an ideological guide star and despise everything that is in any way socialist.