
Onion Exclusive: Biologists Confirm God Evolved From Chimpanzee Deity

EPR-radar4/10/2014 7:30:19 pm PDT

re: #114 Dark_Falcon

My own two cents: Even though the Obamacare system is working better now than it did at first, there is still the fact that the implementation went sideways while Kathleen Sebelius was in charge.But at the time, Obama didn’t want to add fuel to the fire by engaging in an ugly confirmation fight (this was before the change in filibuster rules, remember), so he let Sebelius stay at her post for the time being.

Now, with most of the website bugs worked out, Obamacare claiming some level of success, and Senate Republicans unable to filibuster an Obama cabinet nominee anymore, it is safe for Obama to have Sebelius resign and for him to nominate someone fresh for the post.

Your faith that the Senate GOP won’t be unreasonably obstructive about a new HHS appointment is touching.