
World Net Daily Founder Joseph Farah Celebrates Earth's 6,028th Birthday

lawhawk10/23/2014 12:22:38 pm PDT

re: #107 bill d

Doubt it will be the freakout, though the media will go batcrap insane whipping everything into a frenzy. Can’t wait for people to demand flight bans on foreigners coming into the country (the person appears to be a US citizen who donated his time to help in Africa with DWB).

I have a lot more faith in the NYC DOH and NYS DOH than I do in TX. That they responded to the case as they did suggests that they’re going to adhere to the protocols better than Dallas Presbyterian did. And this is a much more likely case given the person’s background - a doctor working with Ebola patients in Guinea.

NYC area hospitals have been dealing with all kinds of emergency scenarios for years, whether it’s mass casualty events (like the 1993 WTC bombing, 9/11, etc., bioterrorism (anthrax), or tropical diseases, etc., and have been at the fore in dealing with new and emerging diseases because NYC is a gateway to the rest of the world.