
A Wildly Unique Vocal Group in Concert: Roomful of Teeth

BeachDem11/17/2014 10:20:04 pm PST

Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri seems to be doing all he can to assure that, whatever the grand jury decides in the case of Officer Darren Wilson, the killer of an unarmed teenager named Michael Brown, whatever the reaction within the community at large is, that it will collide with the full force of state power, more than likely aimed at those people who take exception to the rule that police officers get to shoot down teenagers for walking in the street — or, more precisely, for not knowing their place. He has declared a state of pre-emptive emergency, which will reassure nobody.

Make no mistake. This is a threat, pure and simple, and it is not aimed at people on both sides of this issue. In fact, it is a rather clear indication that Nixon feels that the grand jury is going to no-bill Wilson, and that Nixon is telling anyone who may be angered by that development that he is willing to do almost anything to keep their responses in check…