
Sarah Palin Poses With Another Right Wing "Target Sign" Poster

Reality Based Steve1/23/2015 8:35:33 pm PST

Well, I’m off to bed. Probably have one more day at the dive shop helping out with inventory. I’ve decided that rather than get the light I’ve been looking at, (it’s nice, but I’ve got a few already, and they work just fine), I’m taking my credits and getting a “Pony Bottle”.

Basically it’s just a 1/4 sized air tank that I would carry along with my usual one while diving. In the case of an emergency, you SHOULD get air from your dive buddy, but I’ve seen too many cases where buddies get separated, lose track of each other, things like that. I’d much rather be able to have an independent and redundant source of air with me in the case of things going sideways.

It’s a good investment, and unlike the light, it’s something that I hope I don’t have to use, except occasionally to keep in practice with how to use it in an emergency.

Well, night all. What do you all say to pancakes tomorrow for breakfast?