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FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/24/2015 12:52:31 pm PST

re: #114 CuriousLurker

Oh, hey you guys—I just subscribed to Intelligence Squared’s debates podcast (on the website you can sort the debates by subject using the sidebar on the right, and they also provide transcripts of most in PDF format). There’s some pretty interesting stuff there if, like me, you enjoy watching debates more than participating in them.

Unfortunately, some of the people they on a given side are Islamophobes presented as experts/scholars (some are scholars, but still—e.g. Ayan Hirsi Ali, Daniel Pipes, etc.) Even so, it’s good to watch because you learn how to rebut them effectively.

Obviously, I’m primarily interested in discussions about Islam & Muslims, however there are lots of other interesting looking debates about things like religion, foreign policy, ethics, ect.)

Thanks for the link. I presume the Star Wars vs Star Trek debate is knock-down drag-out due to the partisanship.