
Far Right Takes Charge of the GOP: Trump and Carson Now Lead the Field, Jeb Bush Support Plummets

Nyet10/20/2015 11:23:18 am PDT

I wrote about this a few days ago.

Putting modern variations of animals in the creation scene: Zebras, Clydesdales, and donkeys are all part of the horse kind and came to look like they do today since the Flood as part of the one horse kind. Species and the biblical kind are not necessarily the same things. The original horse kind likely had features resembling each of these. They diversified into what we have today through natural selection in the wild and artificial selection for man’s benefit. The same is true with the cat kind. Domestic cats, lions, bobcats, tigers, and so on, are all varieties in the one cat kind that have developed through variation since the Flood. It is better to draw generic representatives of each kind, such as the cats, horses, parrots, deer, and elephants (which includes mammoths and mastodons, Asian, African, and so on).