
Video: John Oliver Has a Better Book About a Cute Bunny for Mike Pence

KGxvi3/19/2018 1:16:56 pm PDT

re: #109 JordanRules

All that empty tough talk yesterday. They aren’t going to do anything. And if Mueller released his findings with the makeup of this GOP controlled Congress in power, they still might not do anything.

I keep trying to figure out how this plays out.

Best case for Trump/GOP: Republicans hold off the blue wave in November and keep control of the House; Trump then fires Mueller and Ryan says something along the lines of “the people have spoken, it’s time to move forward with our agenda to eliminate taxes on corporations and the wealthy.” Trump and the GOP then gets wiped out n 2020 but by then the damage is done.

Best case for Everyone Else: Democrats end up winning nearly 300 seats in the House and getting a majority in the Senate. They do a shit tonne of hearings, Mueller issues his findings to the DOJ who then releases them to the public. Trump is impeached, Republicans in the Senate are scared shitless by the fact that they lost Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and Tennessee; or some of them see a way to run for president in 2020 and Trump is removed from office by this time next year.

Worst possible case for everyone: Trump fires Mueller before the election, Democrats win a majority in the House but not necessarily the Senate, Republicans remained kowed and refuse to do the right thing. Trump stays in office and 2020 becomes the most bitter, crazy, and all around nasty election in our history that either sees 20% turnout or 90% turnout with no in between. And nobody knows the results for a month.