
Trump Lawyers Fight as Insider Was Reportedly 'Waved Off' Searching for Docs

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS5/31/2023 12:45:30 pm PDT

re: #61 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

if the R’s are intent on killing it, i dont believe the House D’s save it

the deadline still looms - just days away, so there’s not gonna be another round of negotiations where the freedum nutters demand (and get) more (no time, and that’s ludicrous anyway)

instead Biden says ‘we tried bipartisanship’, etc
he’s still got a toolbox of 3-5 viable alternatives
while they may be a bit unsavory, he’s now got more justification

that’s how crisis is averted (imo)

Seven repugs voted it out of committee. Add Kevin, and I believe you’re home free (all the House dens would have to approve if, but I’m confident that would happen if push came to shove).