
Seth Meyers: Trump Claims He's Never Read "Mein Kampf" After Quoting Hitler, Praising Putin

Belafon12/22/2023 7:19:10 am PST

re: #115 Nerdy Fish

I get where you’re coming from, but it doesn’t do anything. Originally, it was seen as scandalous, and yes, I know the guy got smote in the FL GOP for the rape allegations. But the Christofascists will simply claim that “it’s in the past,” that they’re “covered by the blood,” and that everyone should move on and forget about it because “that’s what Jesus would do.” If exposing them actually had any meaningful consequences for their positions of power - again, excepting the criminal allegations, which are the only thing that seemingly bear fruit - then I’d be far more willing to excoriate these hypocrites for their indulgences.

You know what we should not do here? Give them any kind of pass for excuses we know they’re going to make.

Yes, they’re going to make those statements. We should cut them off and say “You don’t get to make up standards for other people you don’t have to follow.”