
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

Dangerman5/28/2024 4:53:51 am PDT

re: #85 Dangerman

i am sort of hoping this is still a lot of early in the season venting of frustration, disagreement, anger etc.

when the time for action (voting) comes around the choice is stark.

while the lesser of two evils may still be an evil in some people’s minds, that doesnt mean you then support the greater evil of the two.

if you dont support biden in the voting booth, if you vote for anyone else (or dont vote for prez) you are not ‘sending a message’. you are actively supporting your own self-described greater evil

Nate Cohn Finally Adds the Asterisk

The election projections (including ours) will not begin to attain any semblance of accuracy until September or so, once people begin to figure out answers to these questions: (1) Am I actually going to vote? and (2) If so, which candidate am I actually going to vote for? Right now, there is so much uncertainty on those points that the presidential polling numbers have to be analyzed with care to extract any true meaning.