
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Last Mohican2/21/2009 9:14:18 am PST

re: #79 MandyManners

I wish that Michael Steele would read LGF.

Maybe he does.

But I’m becoming increasingly cynical about American politics. I think Steele’s main job is to raise money, not to keep his finger on the pulse of the voters. The Republican and Democratic parties are businesses. They operate because wealthy people give them money. Not a $100 check here and there, but big, six- and seven-figure infusions. Wealthy people buy them meals, put them up in their homes, and fly them around in private jets to campaign appearances. They do this in exchange for being able to tell the politicians how to behave after they’re elected.

I’m increasingly convinced that only extremism can open the pockets of big donors, Democrat or Republican. In fact, now that Obama has opened the pool of donors to non-Americans who wish to influence American politics, I’m not sure there’s anything the GOP can do to raise enough cash.