
Ahmadinejad Declares Victory in Iran Election

Killian Bundy6/12/2009 5:50:42 pm PDT

Obama won’t rule out freeing Gitmo detainees in US

Despite fierce opposition in Congress, the White House insisted Friday it has not ruled out releasing Guantanamo Bay detainees in the United States. But with narrowing options, the administration has begun shipping newly cleared inmates abroad to regain momentum in its effort to close the Cuba-based prison camp.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the administration has not abandoned the possibility of releasing detainees in the U.S., but he added that national security considerations would govern any moves.

“We’re not going to make any decisions about transfer or release that threatens the security of the country,” Gibbs said at the end of a week in which nine detainees were transferred under high security to foreign nations, and one to the United States to face trial.

/it’s a … Guantanamo day in your neighborhood, a Guantanamo day in your neighborhood