

Silvergirl1/28/2010 12:36:16 am PST

re: #110 windsagio

that guy looks MESSED UP.

No. Not messed up.
Here’s the whole alphabet. Their human counterparts are everywhere in life.

Accusing Alligator blames everything and everybody for anything
Bashful Bear—so shy he is afraid to try almost everything
Clever Camel—very practical and can fix anything
Doubtful Dog doubts anything and everything, including himself.
Enormous Elephant loves to eat and eat
Fearless Fish— town daredevil
Goof-off Goose—she’ll do everything—tomorrow!
Healthy Hippo always has the latest and greatest answer for keeping fit
Imitating Iguana wants to be just like everybody else
Jealous Jackal—convinced that everyone else is better off than he is
Kidding Kangaroo doesn’t know when to stop joking
Loving Lion—would like to love everybody all of the time
Moody Moose—you never know just what mood he’s going to be in next
Nasty Nightingale—so mean that she upsets and hurts everyone she meets.
Outraged Octopus—not afraid to say NO! when bad things go on around town
Positive Pig—absolutely sure that no matter what happens, it’s all for the best
Questioning Quail can’t make up her mind
Responsible Rabbit—so busy he never takes time to relax
Smarty Stork has answers for every question, including who delivers babies
Temper Tantrum Turtle will do almost anything to get her own way
Unique Unicorn—the oldest citizen in town, but she’s not too old for fun.
Vain Vulture thinks he is better than anyone else
Worried Walrus worries a lot
X-Rating Xerus thinks that telling people what is not allowed will solve all problems
Yakety Yak talks and never listens
Zany Zebra—not afraid to be different