
Glenn Beck Promotes Book by Antisemitic Nazi Sympathizer

Cato the Elder6/05/2010 9:27:11 pm PDT

An old poster showed up on the last thread but one, Truth Dr., with some useful quotes from the Hamas Charter. This is a document that gets mentioned a lot, but it’s rarely quoted from, partially, I believe, because it contains some inconvenient truths, such as the fact that the elected representatives of the people of Gaza use sources such as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a tsarist forgery, to buttress their claims against Israel.

These things cannot be emphasized enough: the Hamas Charter means what it says, and says what it means.

But I have almost never been successful in getting a lefty apologist for the Palestinians to read it. I’ve been told it doesn’t matter, that it’s just rhetoric, that this is to be expected of people who are oppressed, that somehow it will all evaporate into peace, love and understanding if only Israel would do thus and so.

These are the same kind of people who refused to read “Mein Kampf” when Hitler still could have been stopped, and who, if forced to confront a quote or two from that book, dismissed it as political talk.

History repeats itself.