
A Security Lapse in Philadelphia

Dark_Falcon10/10/2010 8:07:00 pm PDT

re: #105 avanti

I need to keep my blood pressure down while surfing the web. My latest are web sites promoting burning the Koran and posting video’s.
That’s bad enough, but they openly mock General Petraus. A example of a thread about General’s request to not give aid to the enemy by Koran burning:

“But I do have the action for it. We the People will force the issue right here and now. If peacefully exercising our unalienable rights on our own property here in our own homeland endangers you, then we will endanger you.”

WTF, I thought Petraus was a hero on the right, but he tries to protect our troops and he’s now under the bus ?

The Stalker Blog is promoting those assholes, devoting a whole thread to the topic. Here’s a truly sick excerpt:


“Were the actual burning to take place, the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more difficult.”
– Gen. David Petraeus

General, I ask you this: what in h-ll is your “mission” if We the People jeopardize it by exercising our unalienable First Amendment rights in our own homeland? Is your “mission” to defend our rights against foreign enemies, or to defend foreign enemies against our rights?

You made your choice, and you justified it by asserting that you and those under your command have been taken hostage by our terrorist enemy. The ransom demand you obediently delivered to us is that we must submit to your captor’s restrictions against our rightful freedom on our own property, or they’ll kill you.

I remind you and your captors that we do not negotiate with terrorists.

Utter hate and foolishness. This needs its own thread.