
Jim DeMint Spells It Out: Fundamentalist Christianity Required to Be a Conservative

Mostly sane, most of the time.11/10/2010 11:39:54 am PST

re: #113 LudwigVanQuixote

Well… Do not steal.

You are not allowed to steal another mans property or labor.

Do not steal explicitly forbids chattel slavery.

Further though,

We believe that all men (read mankind, the bible says man and woman both) were created in the image of G-d. To defile another man is to defile God. To claim that you own a man is to claim you own God.

From that view, slavery is an abomination.

The vast majority of slaves, especially African slaves, but including European slaves and North and South American slaves were war captives. (Some were from a slave caste.)

One could argue, reasonably, that they were stolen, because their captives had no right to take their freedom. It had not been sold by the owner.

Israelite indentured servants, and European indentured servants* had usually agreed to the situation and sold and signed themselves into it.

*This would include apprentices, who were under obligation. When Benjamin Franklin left Boston for Philadelphia, he had no right to be there, because he had not yet fulfilled his apprenticeship to his brother, who did not pursue BF, although he could have.