
Overnight Open Thread

117 6:50:04 am PST

re: #111 Decatur Deb

Everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Don’t you use the Code Napoleon?

Here’s a Roemer move. This happened years and years ago, but I can recall it easily.

In Louisiana, if you are running for office and collect donations, and then you drop out of the race, there is a process by which you can convert those donations to your own private use - I’m sure it involves declaring it as income and paying taxes, etc.

Roemer’s mom was having some financial problems, and was about to lose her home.

So, there was a local race coming up, and they signed her up to run for office. Then they had some fund-raisers. Then she dropped out of the race, and took the donations and converted it to personal income, and got out of her financial dilemma.

Again, this was years and years ago, the details are a bit hazy. But I do recall that there were many many people who believed that she never had any real intention of running for office, and that this was known by all those who made donations to her “campaign”, and that the whole thing was a set-up to be able to get money to her to help her out of her financial problems.