
Deserting a Sinking Ship: Gingrich's Entire Iowa Campaign Staff Resigns

Ziggy_TARDIS6/09/2011 1:45:53 pm PDT

re: #101 Decatur Deb

Here is a list of candidate events that happened on August 23. From Wiki:

1929 – Hebron Massacre during the 1929 Palestine riots: Arab attack on the Jewish community in Hebron in the British Mandate of Palestine, continuing until the next day, resulted in the death of 65-68 Jews and the remaining Jews being forced to leave the city.

1989 – Hungary: the last communist government opens the Iron curtain and causes the exodus of thousands of Eastern Germans to West Germany via Hungary (September 11).

1989 – Singing Revolution: two million people from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania stand on the Vilnius-Tallinn road, holding hands (Baltic Way).

1990 – West Germany and East Germany announce that they will unite on October 3.

1996 – Osama bin Laden issues message entitled ‘A declaration of war against the Americans occupying the land of the two holy places.’