
Live Video: Firesign Theatre Mini-Film Festival

Gus7/03/2011 10:21:40 pm PDT

re: #116 ggt

And motorcycles are REALLY hard to see when you are driving. I can’t figure out why, but sometimes I don’t notice I’m on the rode with one until I almost on them. I wish they had neon tail-lights.

With the holiday there have been some really dumb riders on the road. Yesterday there were two couples (boy/girl on one bike), no helmet, no leathers, no boots. They were trying to ride side-by-side in the lane. The one closest to me was nearly on the yellow line—On the Interstate!

I take that back, there may have been a helmet or two. Lots of hair and clothing streaming in the wind. Those little cotton sun-dresses really don’t protect arms and legs from concrete …

Oh yeah. Typically it’s those “ninja” bikers too. They even ride Japanese bikes. The reason you can’t see them is because they’re driving at a high rate of speed and frequently changing lanes. We all drive looking for vehicles that are driving at around the same speed as we are driving and staying reasonably in our lanes. Colorado doesn’t allow bikers to ride the line like they do in California. It’s rather stupid to allow them to do that IMO. Anyway, most of us aren’t driving with our heads on a swivel as if though we’re in an F1 race.

Oh. And those bumper stickers that read “hit a biker go to jail” are stupid as hell. More like “hit a biker” and blame whichever dolt caused the accident. But that’s the weird part. Bikers act as if though they’re either a protected species and above the law. Oddly enough bicyclists have a similar attitude.