
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

Birth Control Works8/24/2011 12:03:55 pm PDT
Rick Perry’s Rally

The organizers of Perry’s rally were from ministries founded by two apostles/prophets of the movement — The Call, and the International House of Prayer founded by Mike Bickle. Bickle, who led part of Perry’s event, has claimed that Oprah Winfrey is a precursor of the Antichrist, and Engle has claimed that gay people are controlled by “demonic spirits.” Both have served on the Council of Prophetic Elders initiated by Wagner.

“Lou Engle [has spoken] at length about how one of his sons has started an International House of Prayer in the Castro district of San Francisco and that his son is now expelling demons from homosexuals, and supposedly then this cures them of their homosexuality,” says Tabachnick. “He has also held [prayer rallies] around the world.”

One of Engle’s previous rallies took place in Uganda in May 2010, shortly after an anti-homosexuality bill had been proposed.

The Uganda Topic keeps popping up on the GOP side.

Interesting… .