
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

shutdown9/23/2011 2:36:57 pm PDT

re: #111 Charles

I understand where you folks are coming from, with the drama going on at the UN, but I honestly don’t believe Israel is in any greater existential danger at this moment in time than at any other moment of the last six decades.

In many ways, in fact, the level of menace toward Israel is actually less now than at other times in history. And I have to believe that events in the Arab world (protests and overthrow of dictators) has to bode well for the region in the long run. One of the main reasons for the animosity toward Israel is the cynical disinformation fed to the masses by despots, to keep the population’s anger directed away from the despots themselves.

When people start to awaken and throw off the rule of these cowards and psychopaths, they’re on the road to casting off the brainwashing and propaganda they’ve been fed, as well. They can’t go back to ignorance — that road only goes one way.

I appreciate the sentiment and you may very well be correct, as to the overall threat level. But the animosity felt by the Arab street, I fear, is the result of many hundreds of years of carefully held grudges and tribal hatred. The events in Egypt make this point, I believe.