
Rush Limbaugh, Defender of the Lord's Resistance Army

b_sharp10/14/2011 6:32:37 pm PDT

I just realized I hate Rush because he’s white, male, rich and free to say what he wants.

Wait, I need to add to that. I hate Rush because he’s white, male, rich, free and a bigot.

Oops, more to add. I hate Rush because he’s white, male, rich, free, a bigot, stupid and socially irresponsible.

Well, actually, I’m white and male. My siblings are white and male. It can’t be because he’s white and male. I like Warren Buffet and Richard Branson so being rich isn’t enough to make me hate people. I can say anything I want too, so it can’t be that.

It must be that I hate Rush because he’s a bigot, stupid and socially irresponsible.