
Video: Rachel Maddow Destroys the Right Wing Myth That Women Don't Get Paid Less

William Lewis5/01/2012 7:41:12 am PDT

re: #115 Sionainn

It was hidden and not talked about when I was growing up. I think my choices would have been different had I been educated about addiction as a child. That’s why I’m starting young with my two and making sure that we aren’t drinking so they don’t grow up thinking that’s a normal thing to do.

Interesting. Whereas we will have a beer or a cocktail in front of our son. A glass of wine with dinner and perhaps a sherry after. But getting plastered is looked down on. There have been some people in our families that have had trouble but I don’t see going neo-prohibitionist as the way to prevent that from happening again. Teaching appreciation and appropriate behavior seems, to me, to be more effective in the long run. But then I’m a euro socialist so what do I know ;)