
Ron Paul!

JollyFatMan4/15/2009 9:08:10 pm PDT

I think it’s time for bed, but just more think.

Until a kook opens his mouth or wears/carries something that identifies him as such, the kook is going to look just like everybody else. I mean Kooks don’t have a big fat “K” tattooed on their forehead.

If a Kook does show up and minds their own business, just listens, then most folks will never know. I for one don’t keep a nutjob picture database. Some folks here do know these people and that’s great. Sharing this info is great too.

For one, I didn’t know signs that state “Abolish the Fed” are the tip off that a potential Paulian nut job is on the other end of the stick until I read a comment about it here. I did see 2-3 of these signs at the Colorado Springs event. Were they Paulians? Or just people that happen to agree that the Fed is something that bears scrutiny?

Unfortunately, as I said before, staying away because they might show up doesn’t solve anything. Doing something about it when they are identified is the practical solution.