
Right Wing Crackpot Chuck C. Johnson Now Harassing Ferguson Reporters

allegro12/01/2014 12:12:40 pm PST

re: #113 Charles Johnson

For starters, what happens to the recordings? If you have tens of thousands of officers wearing body cams, that’s an enormous amount of recorded video, and the vast majority of the interactions will be with innocent people, because that’s how it is. Only a tiny fraction of police incidents involve force.

Who’s storing the recordings and for how long? Will they share with other agencies?

Another point: when a body cam is recording, it gets the surroundings, bystanders, everything else in its field of view. That means a lot of people are going to end up in these recordings just because they were near a cop.

Those are just two obvious problems off the top of my head. Any time you have police doing large scale recording of the public, you should be thinking of how that info could be abused - and there are many ways.

There are also witness interviews where said witnesses might be hesitant to be so easily identified. Crime victims, such as rape victims, might also be further victimized by those tapes.