
A Gritty, Powerful NPR Tiny Desk Concert: Black Dub (Trixie Whitley and Daniel Lanois)

Rightwingconspirator1/30/2015 7:55:05 pm PST

re: #117 lawhawk

Yup, and let’s not forget that the precipitating act was the 1983 bombing of the US Embassy in Beirut that killed 63 (17 Americans) and the Marine barracks bombings that killed 241 Americans. The embassy bombing was the worst attack on a US diplomatic facility to that date (exceeded only by the al Qaeda attacks on the African embassies in 1998). It took decades before the US responded. And the response was targeted on the person responsible for authorizing that attack.

But it took 25 years. 25 years.

That’s okay. A patient power is a wise power.