
Donald Trump's Most Awful Moments in the "National Security" Forum

piratedan9/08/2016 12:05:16 am PDT

is fast approaching the desire to see a no fucks to give Hillary…

1) e-mails… I was exonerated, did you even read the fucking e-mails? It’s right there where I solicited Colin Powell, he told me what he had done. This is after the NSA told me I wasn’t important enough for special handling. Have you guys even paid attention or are you simply adolescents repeating the same thing over and over to get a rise out of me?

2) Clinton Foundation - we do a lot of good work, we don’t run it dishonestly. You want a scandal, see how my opponent uses his…. and then get back to me.

3) Bill’s pay - important people want to be associated with popular successful presidents. Bill got paid. People wanted me to give speeches. I got paid. Don’t you demand to get paid for the work that you do?

4) and one more thing…tell Andrea Mitchell to retire