
Amazing: Joe Bonamassa Tears It Up on Slide Guitar: "Burning Hell"

BlueGrl214/15/2017 7:35:01 am PDT

The husband and I have to go car shopping today. My much-beloved 2010 Prius is on life support and fading fast.

Neither of us has the patience for the car dealer games. He’s better than me….I get one, “I have to go verify this great price with my manager or I’ll get fired,” I’m out the door. Upsell? Don’t play with me. I walk in with EXACTLY what I want and a fair price for it. If there is any nonsense I walk out.

Why? Because I cannot stand being obviously manipulated. And I’ve worked with good salespeople who love the opportunity to make a quick sale, give me a hug, and call it a wrap.

Bleach. Off we go.