
Yo-Yo Ma's #SongsOfComfort: "Prayer" by Ernest Bloch

A Mom Anon3/21/2021 5:18:28 pm PDT

Some good news about Cleo….

My hubby finally began taking her outside and working on recall and listening off leash. I have been struggling with her training since day one. It’s been uneven results and I am doing what the trainer recommended. It took my husband about three hours total over 4 days to get her in the actual habit of listening and coming back to the back porch. Today it was my turn and there was no problem. I am seriously impressed. Cleo loves her human dad, adores him. If he could tote her around all day it would complete her world. We must use this to our advantage, because she is seriously all about making Daddy happy. We have a lot more work to do, but this is a huge breakthrough.

Such a Smart Girl