
You're Not Gonna Believe This One: Jordan Klepper vs. Wisconsin Trump Supporters

John Hughes8/12/2022 12:01:33 pm PDT

re: #425 Jay C

Good, concise analysis of how China “fell” to Mao and the CCP - lotta factors at play, but yes: a main one was that China was always considered a secondary theater by the Allies (US mainly) - the prevalent attitude being that China was big enough and resource-rich enough to be able to defend itself, and that Allied aid and efforts (US mainly) should be deployed on other fronts.
Wrong decisions (among many), but that’s History for you…..

So, what’s the alternative?

A land war in Asia?

Not just *a* land war in Asia, but *the* land war in Asia.

In the middle of the fucking second World War!

How well is that going to go?