
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Gagged

sultan_knish1/27/2009 5:13:15 pm PST

If you look at their website, the Society of Saint Pius is a good deal uglier than one Bishop’s holocaust denials

insane ramblings follow blaming the Jews for just about everything wrong with the world, including both Communism and Capitalism, also the Renaissance, the French Revolution, the Protestant Church and banks. Oh yes, the banks.

Christendom and Jewry are destined inevitably to meet everywhere without reconciliation or mixing. It represents in history the eternal struggle of Lucifer against God, of darkness against the Light, of the flesh against the spirit.

In the world as it is, there can be only two truly basic modes, two poles of attraction: the Christian and the Jewish. Only two religions: Christian and Jewish. All that is not of Christ and for Christ is done in favor of Judaism.

Nevertheless, though the Jewish people must be protected, it was recognized it was dangerous enough to be isolated into its own neighborhoods.

Jews must not live together with Christians because this is what their own Jewish laws ordain and also because their errors and material superiority have virulent consequences among other peoples.

At the end of the Middle Ages, the Gentile people committed great sins, especially the clergy. Thus weakened, this people succumbed to the brain and hand of Judaization —through the Renaissance, the French Revolution, and Communism.

To penetrate Christendom, the masses must be captivated and rebellion fomented against its two pillars —Pope and King. The formula prepared by Judaism for their destruction: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

It is a matter of public historical record that Communism was financed by Jewish money.

It is public knowledge that the Jewish sector, relatively small compared to the Gentile sector which devotes itself to the creation of wealth, controls especially the financial power that is exercised through banks.