
Overnight Open Thread

redc1c43/09/2009 12:54:50 am PDT

re: #116 Pvt Bin Jammin

Red C and Blue. You got me thinking all about the military stories I heard in my childhood. I grew up next door to Lt. Col. Olin L Beall, an old retired Marine who served in Haiti, WWI, WWII and Korea. We never asked a lot of questions, just listened to his war stories he would tell when he took all of us neighborhood kids camping. I was enthralled. He died in his seventies. About five years ago I was priviledged, along with his two kids to go to a reunion of the Baker Company, First Motor Transport from the Korean War. They told us things that I will never forget, in fact, their wives told us they had never talked about the war as much as they did that night. They are sometimes called the “Ice Marines” from the frozen Chosin

I am honored to know them.


Nite, lizards. I am finally tired and kind of nostalgic.

you were with the “Old Breed”, and luck to have met him.