
Klinghoffer Kind of Agrees: 'Darwinism is a Lie Sprung Straight from the Pit of Hell'

118 7:33:11 pm PDT

re: #94 Cato the Elder

Speaking of things to make people’s heads explode:

There was an article in the NYT science section the other day about a new study mapping both the different species and the population sizes of the various cutaneous, um, bugs that inhabit the largest organ of the human body - the skin. They did swabs from every section of the body and found (I’m pulling this straight from medium-term memory, so I may be off) something like 2,400 different brands of bacteria on everybody. The absolute numbers of the populations are of course in the quintillions. Well, maybe not quint-, but certainly bil.

Turns out the folks who obsess about weeny bugs and spend billions a year for antibacterial soaps etc. are not only fighting an absolutely Sisyphean battle, but are probably doing themselves more harm than good. They’re now thinking that various skin diseases may not be due so much to bugs per se but to the wrong mix of bugs.

We need the little guys. They are part of who we are.

I guess the question for creationists is: During which part of the day when man was made did God create the corresponding bugs?

And people who use those anti-bacterial hand lotions (in lieu of washing their hands), are missing all the viruses they come into contact with, and probably wonder why they’re getting sick.